Monday, 23 November 2009

Rest in Peace, Mim

Quite impossible to blog this week without paying tribute to our friend Mim Cross, who last week moved onwards and upwards at the age of 23. Though my knowledge of Mim may have been somewhat fleeting, I can certainly attest to how enjoyable her company was, as she added a whole different dimension of amusement to a recent birthday party of mine. Unforgettable in particular was the present she so thoughtfully thrust into my arms that evening, in her desperation to find me a gift at a moment’s notice – a dumped Christmas tree, missing almost all of its leaves. Either through student indolence, or in keeping with Mim’s spirit of goodwill (who else would have the brilliance of mind to rescue a forsaken Christmas tree?), the tree remained in our house until it had lost each and every one of those remaining leaves. At this point we placed it just beside our front door, as it seemed against the spirit of the gift to get rid of it. For eight months, our house had a symbol of Mim’s character as I and my housemates so briefly knew her – caring, generous and endlessly funny.

In my mind, Mim has gone to decorate that tree again for this year. Without doubt, those friends of mine who were closer to Mim will be able to draw upon reams and reams of other fabulous memories, memories which characterise all of her other qualities – sincerity, chirpiness and soulfulness. Memories which will bring comfort and smiles, memories which will never lose their leaves.